Wooden Diffuser Acoustic Panel
It is the most natural, correct and economical improvement that can be made in room acoustics. The Diffuser’s phase-coherent, phase-coherent design with built-in membrane low bass absorber uniquely solves two acoustic problems: radiating mid-high frequencies and controlling low frequency.
It simplifies creating the right acoustic spaces and adds a great high-design look.
Features and Benefits
1. Phase Compatible – provides much better sound field imaging for stereo and surround
2. Accurate broadband diffusion – Provides smooth diffusion at any audio frequency angle from 300 Hz to more than 120 degrees over 7 KHz.
3. Built-in Bass Trap membrane – works with corner spacers to provide low frequency absorption from 45 Hz to 200 Hz
4. For ceilings under 84 cm – 106.6 x 53.34 cm dimensions are perfect for rooms of all sizes.
Wooden Diffuser Panel Types



Skyline Diffuser Acoustic Panel, thanks to its natural wooden structure and special design placed on acoustic foam, effectively breaks different frequency sound waves in the room, reducing ringing and echo.
Product dimensions 600x600x120 mm
Wood – Black – White
Fire rated acoustic sponge under wood
Usage areas
Registration control room
Home Studio
Production Studio
Hi-Fi Listening Room
Skyline Difizör Akustik Panel, akustik köpüğün üzerine yerleştirilen doğal ahşap yapısı ve özel tasarımı sayesinde, oda içindeki farklı frekanslı ses dalgalarını etkili bir şekilde kırarak çınlama ve yankıyı azaltmaktadır.
Ürün ölçüleri 600x600x120 mm
Ahşap – Siyah – Beyaz
Ahşap altı malzeme yangın sınıfında akustik sünger
Kullanım Alanları
Kayıt kontrol Odası
Ev Stüdyosu
Prodüksiyon Stüdyosu
Hi-Fi Dinleme Odası
Honeycomb Diffuser Acoustic Panel is suitable for visual effects, behind work desks, and in studio waiting rooms, except for studios and places where precise mixing is required.
600x600x18 mm